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Refined Fire (revised)

Illuminate me with the fire of Your Word

When You speak, You speak spoken words of purity

There is no flaw in You, no darkness can consume You

You are the Light and the Way to everlasting life

Edify my spirit of secrets yet unknown

As I search for You, on my calloused knees, broken in spirit and weeping before Your gleaming Presence...

May I find You

As a flame burns at a distance capturing all that is near...

so it is with Your glorified Shekinah diminishing the darkest of evils with its iridescence

Refined shall I be...

"...for He (You) has test me. I will come forth as gold." (Job 23:10)

Author's Note:

Original poem was written and published in the Great Poems of the Western World in 2005 by Famous Poets Press. (see BLESS THE MAN for more information):

Photo By: Marcy Bachelor (alias name Ayala)

Published in 2005 Dawn's Frontier For International Library of Photography (Featured Below)

Photo By: Marcy Bachelor @South Elgin Illinois

Link to purchase books through Amazon:

Dawn's Frontier For International Library of Photography (affiliate link)

Great Poems of the Western World

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