A picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is priceless.
Today... is the 1 month Anniversary of her passing. Each day gets better...I do cry every single day when everything is quiet and I am not busy with the daily demands of life. But I can say today I am on my way of recovering from grief. But I will go at my own pace. Not by the expectations of others.
I miss her incredibly. The pain still hurts but not as deep as the first days. I pray for those who today in this moment are in those first days. I would not want anyone to experience that pain. But neither one of us are exempt from experiencing loss. We will all die. And we will witness someone we love and care about dying in our lifetime. I understand it is a part of the cycle of life. Doesn't make it any easier to go through.
These photos are of random moments in time with our late Junebug (Juney, June, Princess). Each one was taken by one of our family members from 2015-2021. This post will be updated as more photos are found in our collection to share with you. Thank you for taking the time to view, like, comment and share.
May her life be honored, always remembered, never forgotten.
June in her cozy cat bed. A 2020 holiday gift from Josh B.
June not feeling well but getting better. Winter 2021
Her favorite blanket. Mine! Every time I washed it so I could use it, she would find it and claim it.
Curled up asleep on my bed.
She loved sleeping and resting on Vince's clothes when he was at work.
She enjoyed getting into grocery bags!
Princess hidden behind the veil.
Looking out into the wonders of nature.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.